Sunday, May 26, 2013

Poulet Croustillant - Crispy Chicken

I just learned a new recipe, Poulet Croustillant (Crispy Chicken).  Not only this recipe is healthy, but it's yummy as well.  I used Nuvwave Oven instead of frying these chicken quarters.  The skins are so crunchy and the meat are moist.  It was just delicious and so easy to make.

Check out the crispy skins of these babies.

I had salad yesterday with one of the chicken leg.  It was out of this world.

-4 chicken legs
-vinegar & salt
-ice water
-sea salt


-4 quarter chicken legs (washed and took out all the fat)
-Boil one pot of hot water, add vinegar and salt.
-Put in the chicken and let it cook between 10-15 minutes.
-Take the chicken out and put in ice water.
-Pat the chicken dry and put some seasalt on top of the chicken skins.
-Refrigerate for 2 hours or over night.
-After 2 hours, put the chicken in Nuvwave oven and let it cook between 30-45 minutes or under golden brown.
-Take the chicken out and let it cool.
-Ready to serve.

Sauce: Mix all together or until it suite your taste.
-soy sauce
-balsamic vinegar
-chilli pepper
-oyster sauce


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