Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend Cooking

It's one of those lazy Sunday. I don't feel like cooking a lot. This was my breakfast. I put a bowl of noodle together with some left over Chinese barbecued pork (xa xiu' ), pork balls, and fried tofu. It was quick. Less than 10 minutes, and you have a hot breakfast.

This was the left over BBQ pork.

I made a bbq pork sandwich for my hubby for breakfast. Ba'nh mi` xa' xiu' .

I had this for lunch last week. This was the first time I had real sushi. I never have raw food before. Every time I go to a Japanese restaurant, I always choose California rolls. Whatever it was; it has to be cooked. Last week, I decided to try it since it was one of the item on my list to try before the year is over. And I did it. I am so proud of myself. Honestly, it was not bad at all. I think I will try it again soon :-)

I found some chicken left in the fridge. I made fish sauce stir-fry chicken. YUM!

This dessert was long over due. I wanted to make it last week, but just so lazy. Today, I did it. Hubby will be a happy camper today since this was one of his favorite Vietnamese dessert.

Before steam
After 45 minutes, it's ready.

And last but not least, My DAD gave me some persimmons from his tree. They were awesome.

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